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Implementation of an affordable, equitable and integrated multi-cancer early detection package to improve cancer outcomes in resource-constrained settings.

Implementation of an affordable, equitable and integrated multi-cancer early detection package to improve cancer outcomes in resource-constrained settings.

Inaugural Meeting in Cochin Lays Out Comprehensive Agenda for Multi-Cancer Early Detection Initiative
April 25-26, 2022 | Cochin, Kerala, India

Access Cancer Care India (ACCI) held its kick-off meeting in Cochin, Kerala on 25th and 26th April 2022, setting the groundwork for the implementation of an integrated multi-cancer early detection package tailored for resource-limited settings across three distinct states in India.

The principal aim of this inaugural gathering was to align all stakeholders on the project's vision, define critical milestones, provide insights into pilot sites across the three states, and establish a clear roadmap for forthcoming project activities.

This pivotal meeting included the project coordinators, the leads for each work package (WP), and principal investigators (PIs) for the pilot sites. The session commenced with a welcome address by the project coordinator. Subsequently, each work package lead elucidated their specific strategies and proposals for the initiative. After each WP presentation, participants were invited to offer their insights, fostering a collaborative approach to refining the project plans. Moreover, PIs from the pilot sites shared a snapshot of the existing healthcare framework at their respective locations, pinpointing challenges and affirming their dedication to the project's success. 

Key discussions revolved around the stakeholder engagement plan, which emphasized existing tools, methodologies, and the project's execution strategy. Particular attention was given to the assessment of barriers to early cancer detection and treatment, with protocols and data collection tools presented by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) based on prior studies.

Key administrative aspects of the project were also broached, ensuring that all operational necessities are addressed. The assembly concluded with an overarching sense of optimism, paving the way for the next concrete steps in the ACCI journey. Complementing the meeting, attendees were offered the opportunity to visit two crucial sites: a state of the art laboratory administered by Karkinos Healthcare and a healthcare facility located in a rural pilot area. These site visits further underscored ACCI's commitment to firsthand understanding and proactive collaboration.